The 10  Most Affectionate Dog Breeds

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1. Golden Retriever

popular, affectionate, smart, great family pets, playful with kids, trainable, need exercise, might sleep with you.

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2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Beloved companion breed, adored by royals for centuries. Active, sociable, great for active families and multi-pet homes.

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3. Pomeranian

loyal, brave, affectionate. Historically cuddled in packs, they're smart but sassy, demanding attention. Need careful introductions with others.

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4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Misunderstood fighters turned loving companions. Affectionate, patient with kids, lap dogs at heart. Best as one-pet household, cautious introductions with other dogs.

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5. Newfoundland

giant, gentle, loving, loyal. Nanny dogs, need company. Exercise, space, large yard.

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6. Greyhound.

Fastest breed, big & goofy couch potatoes. Love cuddles but watch out for bony limbs. Gentle, but caution with small dogs/cats due to prey drive.

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7. Chihuahuas

small but sassy, big personalities. Love lap snuggles, need exercise, avoid excessive carrying. Great companions with training and socialization.

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8. Pug

lively, friendly, great with kids and pets. They love cuddling, seeking attention, and playfully nudge for pets. A charming family choice.

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9. Bulldogs

sweet, docile, loyal lugs. People-oriented, fun to cuddle, and adorable. Known for snoring.

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10. Brussels Griffon

Funny-faced, loyal, alert, and curious pooches. Packed with personality, they adore their humans and follow them everywhere. AKC approved!